This week has been full of small miracles,
Tuesday evening we had a rendez-vous with Fifi Beya, an inactive member who hasn't been to church since she moved to Liège about 6 months ago. She has two grown sons who were living in Brussels. One of them has decided to send in his mission papers, and I think that has made all the difference for Fifi. When we saw her she was so happy and she introduced us to her brother who is going to be living with her until the end of the year. His name is Paul and he is not a member. He has met with the missionaries a couple of times but was very confused about the Book of Mormon and its relation to the Bible. We had planned to talk to Fifi about Joseph Smith, so it was a perfect lesson about the restoration. I think it was the best first lesson I have ever taught. Fifi testified about the church and shared her conversion story. It was so cool to see not only the understanding that Paul had, but also the change in Fifi. She invited us and the Elders over for a meal after church on fast Sunday. She laughed really hard as she told us she is making spicy African food and that we are all going to cry, I said "yep 'cause I am a sissy when it comes to spicy food," though not quite in those words, I don't know the French word for "sissy." She didn't come to church yesterday, but I have high hopes for next week. Paul also said that he wanted to study the Book of Mormon with us, yes!
After our rendez-vous with Fifi we had about an hour before we needed to go home so we decided to do some contacting, as we were deciding which direction to go I decided to call Christiane to see if we could see her. We haven't seen her for a couple of weeks and her phone had been off for a few days so we were a little concerned. I called her and she answered finally and said we could come over the next day. Then as we went contacting, we found ourselves near Legrand's house, so we decided to call him too. He answered the phone too! He explained that he had been out of the country for two weeks and it was too expensive to answer the phone, but we set up a rendez-vous with him too. We finished our contacting in the park by our apartment, there is a preschool in the park and they keep rabbits in the gated off school yard. There were probably twenty little bunnies hopping around, including the cutest little baby bunnies. it was so precious. So, in the end it was an amazing evening, everything that happened was a miracle of one kind or another.
Wednesday was emotionally difficult; we had rendez-vous with Christiane and Jean-Baptiste. Both were a bit of a struggle to get through, and rather emotionally draining. But they both set up a base for the next rendez-vous that we had. We found out their needs and in the next rendez-vous we were able to meet those needs. Luckily we had dinner with Rita and she is so kind and sweet. Plus dinner was bread and cheese, in many wonderful verities. Rita likes mild cheeses as do I so I liked them all, my favorite was the Brin de Paille, it was a soft cheese a little firmer than brie, it is delicious! She let us take the leftovers home.
Thursday we saw Aurelie and her mother Rosemarie, Aurelie was baptized in December but hasn't been to church in about two months. It was a miracle because we have been trying to see them for about a transfer now, and we finally got to. They bought us lunch, hamburgers and frites, they deep fried the hamburger patties, it was good but I was slightly horrified. Our lesson with them was really good, we started to talk about how we can nourish our faith, but the conversation quickly moved to the Plan of Salvation. A family member died last week and Rosemarie, who is not a member, had a lot of questions about death and where Papi was now. It was cool because Aurelie explained a lot of the points to Rosemarie. I think we are going to teach Rosemarie and in doing so strengthen Aurelie too. They are both really cool people I am excited to see them again.
Sunday after church we decided to stop by an inactive family, the Darchevilles, pass bys are very rarely effective, but this time they were home and they let us in, the mom and 8 year old daughter were very happy to see us and they invited us to see them again.
This week we were able to see so many people and meet so many new people too, it was truly miraculous.
I hope all is well on the home front and I love y'all!
Soeur Gaelin Turney